Saturday, March 30, 2013


When Christ died and rose from the dead the world was a violent place. The Romans regularly exercised their authority through the sword, religious leaders inspired the stoning of sinners, and people of faith sacrificed their children to other gods.

His actions where condemned by all after spontaneously hailing him king. Religious leaders, who had no legal authority to kill him sought it from the government, Rome did not care about religious affairs and relinquished it to the people, and the people chose to release Barabus, a insurrectionest against Rome.

In the tradition of biblical writing, these are timeless events and stories that should be retold. We are the the remnants and scattered people of the Israelites tribal beliefs. Scattered not only physically but in faith also. Christ - our Priest, Prophet, and King established a new way to sacrifice to the one True God that needs no government support nor church tradition. Your sins are forgiven in the same measure as you forgive others as long as your sacrifice is joined with his. How simple?

Happy Easter!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Something New...

Money is system of measure in a social construct commonly called the "economy".  It is an agreed upon perception in literature that it is a symbolic of a biological system. All religious traditions that evolved from an oral tradition elude to this symbolic construct but attribute different stories to express these complex social functions. In the Christian old testament tradition, a compound book, of oral traditions and inspiration, an economy is not mentioned but it describes humanity in context with there natural surroundings and social activities.
These activities were described in the same manner that knowledge functions are described today - from the experience and knowledge of the discipline. An economy is thought of as as a single social activity now at the world scale due to our technology but our creation stories go back to even before a real social economy even existed. This draws me into the conceptual ideas of the old Testament writers who described these human concepts as the functional elements of nature that they were most familiar with. Knowledge as it existed at the time has always been a part of our activities and these stories place the knowledge of our ancestors into a functional perspective and system. Where I would differ with current perspective is only a matter of degrees but it creates and aligns itself with more traditions broadening the concept of the "economy" into something vastly different but of great importance.
The perspective changes from a totally human constructed social system to one that reflects a more traditional natural system that embodies both science and religious traditions and in doing so begins to unify thought and effort. There is NOT one economy just as there is NOT one country or people. There is NOT one government but governmental bodies that work together or are in conflict. These actions are all part of the system and profession known as "economics"  but it's limited to its historical context. As a human system of social interaction it's context has a very limited perspective with a focus only on the government and flow of currency between governing bodies. This system itself causes conflict by its very design.
Currency is an abstract idea of value that measures two very important elements in every scale of government: natural resources and human services. Although broad in scope the interaction of all human social activity has evolved into a system of measure that has become more important than the origins that it embodies. An abstract system that contains all the world's natural resources and all the world's possibilities of human activity but we are still describing it in terms of past technology and understanding. It's time for something new...

Friday, March 15, 2013


What if the universal was an energy wave moving in multiple directions - so what?
What if life was created by wind blowing across the water - so what?
What if we measured things using our knowledge of the wave - so what?
What if the wave brought things together in such a way that beauty was created - so what?
What if coming together formed a garden and both of us took care of it - so what?
What if I was blind and you were deaf - so what?
Would we still tend the garden?

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

New Phone - Transferring Number from one carrier to another.

After receiving a couple of new phones, switching and trading with my girlfriend she decided that she wanted to keep her phone number. She was tired of changing cause she had went through a couple phones in the last year or two. Went with Straight Talk Sim cause it worked in any phone within network specs, had great AT&T coverage and at a great price.

Everything thing was going smooth and the online pages even seemed well designed until - IT happened. After filling out the Web form she received a call - PROBLEM. Wonder what it was? No way to find out but by their response system that included lots of waiting - NO FUN.

Turns out to be a simple problem that was not explained well. asks for an account number of existing service but Boost Mobile does not give it to you. At least it's not your phone number that all of these no contract carriers give you. I can only really say that about two: Virgin Mobile and Boost Mobile. I was led to believe that your phone number is also your account. Not so.

Had to actually call Boost Mobile and ask them for tbe account number before I was able to get it. After that instead of going through customer service I went back to the Web pages and submitted a new request. THE REDULTS - went right through and had it up and running in a very short time.

The only problem was that I still had to eventually go through customer service but at least it wasn't because I didn’t have service:-) it was because I was billed twice. Oh well - didn't think that THAT would be a hard fix. Easy to see in the system...

The Plant

Knowledge grows like a plant cultivated for its fruit or like an animal raised for its meat. At the right time they both give up their existence for our nourishment and survival. Both live and survive in nature but both have been adopted to support our physical existence. In the end, both give up their being for our human intellect.
It's is our intelligence that recognizes our surroundings and as individuals we try to understand our existance by recognizing patterns of life around us. Our need for food has been dominated by our ability to recognize patterns and adapt them to a communal existance.
Adapting patterns is an individual's work but as the perceived pattern is shared they become something else. For our existance they combine space, time, scale and mass; taking a form that exists in the reality of many people. It is a natural process unique to our existance.
Eisenstein developed the mathematical formula E=mc 2 (square) - it existed in our perceptions prior to his formula but it was not integrated into our human knowledge. However, once the pattern was defined in such a way that it was understood and accepted by a great many people as being true then it was understood as part of our shared reality.
All human knowledge moves through stages of development and evolution that begins with our senses - if we use them.

Facebook Messenger

Just downloaded Facebook Messager to see how it works. Seems like any other texting software but except that it tracks your location - if you let it. Kinda cool but I'm not interested in publishing my location - I know where I'm at and where I'm going and I'm not usually lost:-) If I'm looking for someone I text them and ask where they are. I just don't get it.

What I AM looking to do is communicate thoughts and ideas. I think location is cool and there are alot of uses that have it built in - after 911 a system of location became a requirement in phones for governmental reasons and their may be an actual need. I just don't understand it's use in social media unless you're coordinating activities amongst alot of people or a specific type of group with specific spatial coordination requirements. Just doesn't see it as a typical social function.

Main goal: communicate ideas using words through multiple networks such as WIFI and all the G's. You know 2g, 3g, and 4g. I have a phone capable of communicating many things but I want it to communicate specifically what I intend and when a network, of some kind, is available.

I have a few pieces of software that I use on my Android to communicate: Heywire, Skype, and Google Talk. They all have their plus and minuses and now I know why I don't like Facebook Messenger so far. It DOES NOT WORK on phone networks.

Oh well, still kinda like it cause I DO DO Facebook I just don't have the app on my phone. Facebook seems to be creating a way to interact on an individual level that links interests but the experience is becoming less about common interests and more about linking add content to the right person. Think I'll keep Facebook Messenger though - just don't intend to share my location. At least in the automated sense. Just for the record, Google Talk works great on both WIFI and phone networks just as long as you are just texting. Heywire does too but it's hit and miss, depending on the country your in. Skype? Oh well - I use to like it but not so much now. I'm sure it's just the country I'm in.


I find it interesting that we are creating things that are able to learn. Creating logical sequences and putting them inside things that move and make decisions then call it learning. In most cases it's robotics or a "black box" that causes us to react. There we go again...

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Latitudes not Attitudes: How Geography Explains History

...Geography explains why farming first appeared towards the western end of the Old World’s lucky latitudes; and, if the West had simply held on to the early lead that nature’s unfairness had given it, geography would be the obvious explanation for why the West now dominates the world.

Has the Garden of Eden been located at last?

"It is a tale of rich complexity, beginning 30 millennia before the birth of Christ. Of climatic shifts from moist to arid to moist, with consequent migrations eddying back and forth across, and up and down the Middle East. And of myriad peoples. There were hunter-gatherers whom agriculturists displaced. There were prehistoric Ubaidians who built cities, Sumerians who invented writing and the Assyrians who absorbed Sumer's writing as well as its legend of a luxuriantly lovely land, an Eden called Dilmun. Finally there were Kashshites in Mesopotamia, contemporaries of the Israelites then forming the state of Israel."