Friday, June 14, 2013


One day all the experts and leaders in various knowledge systems will realize that none of them oppose one another but fulfill each one. The big factor is the distribution of resources but at some point we must take responsibility and acknowledge the most profound resource of all....
Our own humanity.
If I look at the natural system, it is repetitive, changing, and adaptive - so are we. The Church teaches we can know God through his creation, the natural world, and if I observe all of nature in its beauty and all of humanity in its complexity - the only indication of the evil professed  to exist is within ourselves.
Christ did not condemn the knowledge systems of his time but worked within them and parallel to them adjusting our perceptions so that we could become one. His concept was NOT to live in peace but to live together as God intended us to live together - just as he had designed the rest of creation.
There are many animals both vegetarian and carnivorous but none eat more than nature provides. They live simple lives within there God given capacities but no model exists in nature that can teach us about our own humanity - except all of nature itself, all of space itself or all the universe. And there are no animals created by God that exist as adversaries.

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